Directions to the cottage
Arriving by Ferry
Leave ferry and follow road to T-Junction and turn right. After one mile take right fork along spectacular Gott Bay, towards Caolas. After 3 miles take right turn to Milton. There is only one right turn before this one, so you can’t go wrong!
Follow the Milton Road for one mile to the end of the road. You’ll pass Milton Harbour on your right on the way.
50 metres before the road ends, Taigh Beag a’ Chladaich is on your right, sitting snugly on the brae by the shore.
Arriving by Plane
On leaving the airport car park, and access road, turn right. Drive 1 mile to the road end. Turn right. You will have Balephetrish Bay on your left. A great place to see seals. After 3 miles take the left fork towards Caolas, and you will now have spectacular Gott Bay on your right hand side.
After 3 miles take right turn to Milton. There is only one right turn before this one, so you can’t go wrong!
Follow the Milton Road for one mile to the end of the road. You’ll pass Milton Harbour on your right on the way.
50 metres before the road ends, our cottage Taigh Beag a’ Chladaich is on your right, sitting snugly on the brae by the shore.
Other travel information
During the summer season scheduled flights are available twice daily from Glasgow by Loganair.
Link to Tiree Airport information.
By Ferry
The summer ferry service operates every day from Oban to Coll and Tiree. Winter timetables have fewer sailings.
Check Caledonian MacBrayne website for all the current ferry timetables and booking details. Vehicle reservation are required – telephone 08705 650000 or book online.
Car Hire
Tiree Sea Tours – Car Hire – tel:07788 810623 or check the website
MacLennan Motors – tel: 01879 220555 or bookings@tireecarhire.com
John Kennedy Taxis are available for taxi service, minibus and coach hire. Tel: 01879 220419 or info@johnkennedytransport.co.uk by advance booking.
Tiree’s Ring ‘n’ Ride bus service, with wheelchair access is available from 7am to 6pm Mondays to Saturdays but it is advised to call ahead to check availability. Telephone 01879 220419 or www.argyll-bute.gov.uk/tiree-ring-n-ride
Bike Hire
There are a number of bike hire options on Tiree, and cycling is a great way to explore our beautiful Island. Check out IsleofTiree.com for details.